Category Archives: Hexagons

Mini Charm Pack – One for You, One for Me

MCP One for You One for Me Stack HP

I just love how stacks of basted hexagons look: so much color and promise.   Another mini charm pack (2 1/2″ squares) done.

As before, I used each fabric pattern on the 1″ hexagons and used all of the repeat fabrics to make two 1/2″ hexagons.  If the colors work out, one each of the 1/2″ hexagons will get added to my hexagon diamonds project, “I’m Not a Machine”, and the other will get added to the as-yet-unnamed scrappy small hexes project.  The 1″ hexagons will become…something.  Dunno yet.

MCP One for You One for Me Flat HPHere they are, all spread out.  This pack, “One for You, One for Me” had 28 patterns, with 14 repeated.  Honestly, I’m glad to see all of the repeats.  The tone-on-tone swirls will be perfect for “I’m Not a Machine”.  The dots might, too.

I’m a little disappointed at how the large-scale patterns get lost on the 1″ hexagons.  I mean, I expected that, but there’s something messy-looking about them.  I’m still going to use them, but maybe I need to look for mini charm packs with more repeats and/or more basic patterns?  I don’t even know how to do that, since the previews in the online stores just show the unique patterns and–duh, I just figured it out.  Count the patterns shown and subtract from 42, which seems to be the standard number of pieces in Moda charm packs.

Maybe the little bits of the bigger patterns will be charming in whatever I make the 1″ hexagons into?  I’ll just keep basting and see what I have and how they mix together when I have more.

Yellow Hexagon Diamond in Progress

I’m pretty proud of how my first hexagon diamond turned out, and I wanted to see how it would look in a different color, so I got all excited and started cutting little squares from all of my yellow scraps (and yardage).

Unbasted Yellow Hexes

I got a bunch basted, but I’m not too happy with the layouts I’ve tried.  I’m beginning to think that I just don’t have a wide enough variety of yellow fabrics.  I’m trying not to repeat any fabrics in each diamond.  I’ve done a bunch more fussy-cutting, since it was so popular with Prim, but bees seem to be over-represented.

The scrappy oranges seemed to all meld into one another, which I liked.  When I looked back I saw it was because the fabrics had mostly just shades of orange and white, with a little yellow thrown in.  These yellow hexes have all sorts of colors, including strong ones like brown and black.

I have to decide if I just need to beg and buy more yellow scraps/fabric or if I can be content with a diamond with more variety.

I know this diamond project is going to take years and in the grand scheme of things, a few diamonds that I end up using for things other than the final project (whatever it ends up being) is no big deal.  But this is my first EPP project and each diamond takes SO LONG.  I know they’ll go faster as I get more comfortable hand-sewing, but I might not sew another for a little while.  Basting is nice and safe.

Yellow Hexagons and Loosies WM

I basted some extra oranges and had some fun fussy-cutting other fabrics.  I now have a nice little pile of multicolored hexes that aren’t going to fit nicely into any color scheme save “totally random”, which is kind of cool.

Mini Charm Pack – Elementary

I could not resist buying a mini charm pack (a package of precut 2 1/2″ squares from one fabric line) and seeing if I could use it for fabric variety instead of buying or begging more scraps.

MCP Elementary All HP
I basted one square of each different fabric in the pack to a 1″ hexagon (without trimming!) and each of the repeat squares to two 1/2″ hexagons.

MCP Elementary Big HP

I really, really like this fabric line, Elementary for Moda.  Moda mini charm packs seem to always have 42 squares.  This one has 32 patterns with 10 repeated.

I’m not sure what I’m going to use the 1″ hexagons for yet, though I’m thinking throw pillows.  I had the papers already, so it made sense to use them.  I doubt I’m going to feel confident enough anytime soon with my 1/4″ seaming to machine piece with 2 1/2″ squares, so it was either use the 1″ hexagon papers or put the fabric away.

I got a nice amount of 1/2″ hexes from the pack, one of each pattern for my hexagon diamonds (when they’re recognizable colors), and one for my “scrappy whatever” project.

MCP Eementary Small HPThis picture ended up super tall.  Sorry.

I’m pretty excited about using mini charm packs, since the repeated patterns are usually the more monochromatic ones, which will fit well into my hexagon diamonds project (I’m calling it “I’m Not a Machine”–I’ve gone back and tagged posts about it with that name).

It was also a lot of fun to baste the 1″ hexagons without trimming that squares.  I’ve heard that the added bulk is bad when it comes time to quilt, but we’ll see.  I’m thinking about getting a die cutter.  If I’m going to be doing a lot of EPP, trimming the fabric to size is already getting tedious, and I haven’t even done it too much yet.

First Orange EPP Hexagon Diamond

I’ve been playing around with 1/2″ hexagons and I made this:

Orange Hexagon Diamond Front

I used tiny (no bigger than 1.5″ square and many smaller) offcuts of the oranges I’d amassed for Sec’s pumpkin quilt and my planned ongoing scrap quilt projects.  It’s curvy in the picture because it needs ironing.

Let me flesh out the background that led to this little orange hexagon diamond, since I’m pretty sure now that I’m serious about EPP:

I’ve been attending a scrap quilting class for the last few months at my local fabric store.  Each class has two projects.  The first class’s second project was English paper piecing (EPP) over two large (3″ on a side) hexagons to make whatever.  The instructor just wanted to introduce us to the technique as it’s a great use for scraps.  (I learned later that she’s totally into EPP, so there’s your “why”.)

I thought that it was a terrible idea.  Who has time to hand sew anything?  I was there for machine piecing!  And hexagons make the Grandmother’s Flower Garden and I hate that pattern and have no interest in doing one.  But I saw a tutorial for this pillow and, though I’d never make that particular pillow, I did admire how it went together.

I sat with the idea and it grew on me.  Part of my problem with it was that those hexagons, both in the class and in the pillow, were just too big.  Three inches on a side and six inches across for the class hexagon–why, I could machine piece those, if I had any interest in doing so.

I bought some 1″ hexagons but they were also way too big.  It would have taken too many stitches to join those together, though that size is definitely too small for machine piecing with my meager skills.  I settled on the 1/2″, mostly because that’s the next-smaller size that the store carried.

After working with them for a while, I think they’re perfect.  They baste quickly, they’re super-portable, and the 1/2″ sides go together without too many whip stitches.  They’re small enough so I can have a very scrappy effect, but not so small that a 1/4″ or 3/8″ seam allowance (I don’t know which I prefer yet) overlaps on the back and gets messy.

Speaking of the back:

Orange Hexagon Diamond Back

Keep in mind that these are my VERY FIRST hexagons.  They’re not neat at all.  I cut the fabric with scissors (gasp!) and no template.  I’m considering a template, especially if I’m going to fussy-cut a lot of them.  I showed the diamond to Prim (my oldest son) and he said, “I like the tree,” so I think there’s a lot of fussy-cutting in my future.

What am I going to make with these diamonds, which I envision doing in various colors?  No idea.  But it’ll take me a while to make a bunch of them, so I don’t have to decide yet.  I do think I’m going to do a minimum of six in each color, probably not all at once, so I can get different fabrics mixed in, so I have plenty of time to decide what it’s going to be.

Wall hanging?  Pillow?  Quilt?  All maybes at this point.  Part of what will guide my decision is how much I like cutting, basting, and sewing the hexagons.  We’ll see, but I did order the big package of 1/2″ hexagons from Paper Pieces (I like supporting my local fabric store, but the markup on the small package of pieces was unreal), so it’s a good bet that I’ll end up at least at wall-hanging size.

Orange Hexagon Diamond Front with Spares

See that cat fabric in the upper right-hand corner?  It was a scrap gift from my only sewing relative.  I don’t love it in bigger cuts, but just one cat face is cute.  I don’t know if it’ll work for this diamond project, since it’s so stark, but I’m debating having a second, very scrappy, 1/2″ hexagon project going at the same time.  I’ll probably just baste those hexes and throw them into a box and think about them later.

Future me, they’re your problem!

Orange Hexagon Diamond Progress

Orange Hex Diamond Progress

I decided on a layout for the (first) orange hexagon diamond and was able to work on joining the hexagons together.  I say “first” because I think I’ll need at least six of each color for whatever this ends up being.  Maybe a quilt?  Maybe a wall-hanging?  Maybe a wall-hanging that’s a quilt?  Dunno.

I also learned not to use the flash to take photos like this.

Anyhow, the whip-stitching is going far better than I thought, though I think I need a smaller needle.  The papers fold easily and I must have basted right, since the edges and corners are lining up.

More when it’s done!

English Paper Piecing

Well, now I feel a little silly.

Remember when I was talking about how no one has time for hand sewing and blah blah and why was it covered in the scrap class?

I guess the reason was to plant a seed, because I came across this pillow tutorial at Sew Mama Sew and I realized that I didn’t like the hexagons from the class because they were too big.  If I’m working with hexagons three inches on a side, I might as well machine sew them.  It would involve Y seams (which I’m not interested in trying yet), but those pieces of fabric are being enough not to get chewed up by the machine (even mine).

That, and I didn’t like the idea of basting through the paper.  It seemed somehow inelegant to me.

The pillow also showed me that hexagons aren’t all about Grandmother’s Flower Gardens, which is a pattern I’m aware of and don’t love.  You can do diamonds!  And other things!  Plus, that pillow got me thinking about a Settlers of Catan pillow, since the game tiles are hexagons and that would look awesome.  We have the game somewhere in the basement and I could either print the fabric at home or use Spoonflower–I’ve been wanting to try them but haven’t had a good excuse.

In short, I think I’ve been bitten by the EPP bug.  I went by the local fabric store and got some 1″ hexagons, but when I got them home, they seemed too big.  I went back and got some 1/2″ hexagons, which seem perfect.

Hexagon Sizes HP

I’m not sure what I’m going to use them for yet, but I’ve started playing around with the orange fabrics I got for Sec’s pumpkin quilt, and the few orange scraps from the eBay scrap boxes, just basting them around the 1/2″ papers and seeing how I like it.

Orange Hexagons HP

This looks like a possible layout, but I’m not sure yet.  Prim walked by and said that his favorite part was the tree (on the lower right), so I may do more fussy-cutting, though the orange fabrics I have don’t feature much in the way of tiny motifs, besides what you see here.

I do think I like the idea of being comfortable not knowing what I’m going to make (besides single-color diamonds in this size)–and knowing that the making will take a long time.  I’m excited about the project, but also relaxed about it so I can enjoy seeing how it turns out.

First Scrap Class

The scrap class was a lot of fun.  I had to attend with my baby, which was less fun, but he stayed quiet in his stroller through most of it.  Well, about half of it, but I’d not planned on staying the whole time anyway.  Kid’s gotta nap.

The instructor had scraps for us to use, so I didn’t have to buy and fabric, which was awesome.  I was there for all of the first project, which was sewing the 10″ blocks together around the perimeter, then cutting them into non-equal ninths, then opening them and pressing and flipping them into new combinations and sewing them back together.  I do’t have progress pictures, but here it is finished:

Scrap Block 1 Front HP

I learned that my seams are TERRIBLE.  Nothing matched.  I don’t think it’s the machine, but I can’t imagine it was me.  I was going super-slow and it should have worked.  I need to practice a lot more.  Here’s the back:Scrap Block 1 Back HP

I got my second sewed together and immediately cut it wrong, which is a shame because I really like the fabrics.  I suppose I can cut it more and use the center pinwheel and the half-square triangles for something and the rest can go in my scrap bin.

Aborted Scrap Block HP

The instructor told me to dip back into her scrap piles and try to make another block.  I managed to measure right this time for the cutting, but my seams were still awful.

Scrap Block 2 Front HP

I have a picture of the back, but I’ll spare you.  I chose fabrics I thought Prim would like, but I have no idea how to use this in anything, short of cutting it up and salvaging the owl on the bottom right.  I guess these two blocks will form the beginning of the “orphan blocks” pile.

The second project was English Paper Piecing.  She gave us each a 3″ paper hexagon (3″ for one side, 6″ from point to point) and some fabric to loop over the shape and baste closed through the paper.  Then we were supposed to sew them together on one edge to make a needle book (or something? I dunno).  I had to leave before really working on this, but I did take some very cool fabrics and cut them to size.  Who has time for hand sewing anyway?

Scrap Class Hexes HP

And if I really wanted to make a needle book, I’d make it more like a rectangular book so it would be more stable.

See, super-cool fabrics.  Now I’m thinking I need to use them for something and they’re already cut so much that if I cut them more, I’ll lose the interplay of shapes in the fabrics.  <sigh>  Well, these’ll go in my “I just don’t know and even if I did, I need more skills” pile.  I have a feeling a lot of things from this class are going to end up in that pile.

Bonus front of onion fabric picture:

Scrap Class Hex 2 HP