Quick picture for my Handstitched class camp people:
It’s not all sewn together yet (though it looks like it’ll fit–especially after pressing and when the papers are out). Yes, it’s all hand-sewn. Yes, all over papers, EPP style. Why? I could not tell you, except that I was afraid of losing points on the medallion and I don’t trust my machine-sewing skills (or my machine) yet enough to risk it. It’s taking FOREVER and I’m rushing, so it’s not fun.
On the plus side, I’m really liking it. I don’t think it’ll end up square, though. Maybe twin-sized, so they can lay it over me when I’m old, on my cot in the nursing home. It might actually get done by then, too.
Sadly, I think I’m going to have to do some of the smaller projects (from weeks 2 and 5) so I can have something done from every week and get my tchotchke from Rachel. But, on the plus side, if I’m taking my time, I’ll be able to like it again. Yay.